Rapid Response: How outage prediction models help utilities get power back on quickly

Today, big, damaging storms are on the minds of many after the recent devastating impacts of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. And while the impact of a storm is important to everyone in its path, it is also a major concern for the utilities that shoulder the responsibility of restoring power to their affected customers. But when utilities don’t have access to accurate, data-driven information, storm response can be delayed, costly or simply inefficient.

What if utilities could see what’s coming sooner, with the ability to more accurately predict the damage that a storm could cause?  In this playbook, Dive Brand Studio, in association with The Weather Company (an IBM Business), details the benefits of using an outage prediction model to access accurate, localized information that can be delivered in advance of an approaching storm.  

Download the playbook to learn more about the challenges facing utility response time today, and how the use of data-driven outage prediction models could lead to better storm response decisions, cost savings for utilities and faster power restoration for customers.