What are the most important developments and trends to watch in 2020 across the U.S. power sector overall and within key topics, including natural gas, energy storage, renewables and rate design? Check out Utility Dive's 2020 outlook series below.

2020 Utility Dive Outlooks: What's in store for coal, gas, renewables, DER and beyond

10 trends driving the US power sector
By Larry Pearl • Jan. 13, 2020From utilities to states to grid operators, the energy transformation is accelerating, but significant challenges remain. Read the full article ➔
Coal faces headwinds from aging plants, adverse market signals and high remediation costs
By Catherine Morehouse • Jan. 14, 2020Despite persistent economic challenges, the coal industry continues to fight to preserve its place in the U.S. energy mix. Read the full article ➔
Natural gas faces regulatory, environmental scrutiny but still wants role in carbon-free grid
By Catherine Morehouse • Jan. 15, 2020Aggressive natural gas investments in recent years may bring the sector to its tipping point. But some stakeholders say the fuel still has an important role to play in a decarbonized future. Read the full article ➔
US renewable resources on steady course for increased deployment
By Iulia Gheorghiu • Jan. 16, 2020"In 2020, there’s sort of a 'come on in, the water's warm' element of excitement and momentum" around renewable energy procurement, one analyst said. Read the full article ➔
Utilities will be pushed to further embrace distributed energy resources
By Matthew Bandyk • Jan. 17, 2020As net metering fades, some states will move ahead with new visions for DERs, while others are playing catch-up. Read the full article ➔
Renewables, resilience and reliability needs will drive storage
By Kavya Balaraman • Jan. 21, 2020The storage industry will face its fair share of challenges, including increasing safety regulations, regulatory barriers and market uncertainty, experts say. Read the full article ➔
From light bulbs to dishwashers, court battles to continue on DOE's efficiency moves
By Robert Walton • Jan. 22, 2020The U.S. Department of Energy's appliance standards program turned into a policy lightning rod in 2019. Experts anticipate more of the same. Read the full article ➔
New state action on customer empowering rate designs and business models
By Herman K. Trabish • Jan. 23, 2020Regulators, utilities and stakeholders will pilot simple price signals and work toward agreement on a performance-based framework, but California may be in for a surprise. Read the full article ➔